
First baby food

506 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 506 products

Nutrizione Equilibrata per lo Svezzamento del tuo Bambino

Lo svezzamento è una fase cruciale nella crescita del neonato, e le prime pappe giocano un ruolo fondamentale per abituarlo a nuovi sapori e consistenze. Su Farmacia del Vomero, trovi una selezione di pappe nutrienti e bilanciate, studiate per garantire un’alimentazione sana e completa durante i primi mesi di vita.


Quali Prime Pappe Scegliere?

️ Creme di cereali – Riso, mais e tapioca, multicereali: delicate e facili da digerire.
️ Omogeneizzati – A base di carne, pesce, frutta e verdura, ideali per una dieta varia.
️ Pastine per neonati – Formati speciali per favorire la masticazione e la digestione.
️ Latti e farine arricchite – Con vitamine e minerali essenziali per lo sviluppo.


Perché Acquistare le Prime Pappe su Farmacia del Vomero?

  • Solo ingredienti di alta qualità e sicuri per il tuo bambino.
  • Formule specifiche per ogni fase dello svezzamento.
  • Ampia scelta di pappe biologiche e senza glutine.
  • Consegna rapida e assistenza qualificata per i genitori.

Scopri la nostra selezione di prime pappe e accompagna il tuo bambino nella sua crescita con alimenti sani e bilanciati!

Showing 1 - 36 of 506 products
Save 2%
Plasmon paff stelline ceci zucca 15 g
Plasmon paff chickpea pumpkin stars 15 g
Sale price€1,56 Regular price€1,59
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Plasmon sughetto pomodoro e verdure 80 g x 2 pezzi
Plasmon tomato and vegetable sauce 80 g x 2 pieces
Sale price€3,37 Regular price€3,43
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Plasmon sughetto ragu' di manzo 80 g x 2 pezzi
Plasmon beef ragout sauce 80 g x 2 pieces
Sale price€2,36
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Save 24%
Plasmon omogeneizzato bio pera mirtilli 2 vasetti x 80 g
Plasmon organic pear and blueberry puree 2 jars x 80 g
Sale price€1,90 Regular price€2,49
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Plasmon omogeneizzato yogurt albicocca 120 g x 2 pezzi
Plasmon homogenized yogurt apricot 120 gx 2 pieces
Sale price€3,24 Regular price€3,47
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Save 21%
Plasmon nutri-mune mela/banana/cereali 85 g
Plasmon nutri-mune apple/banana/cereals 85 g
Sale price€1,58 Regular price€1,99
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Plasmon omogeneizzato yogurt banana 120 g x 2 pezzi
Plasmon homogenized yogurt banana 120 gx 2 pieces
Sale price€3,44 Regular price€3,47
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Hipp bio stelline di cereali alla frutta 30 g
Hipp organic fruit cereal stars 30 g
Sale price€2,29 Regular price€2,36
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Plasmon i sughetti pomodoro e basilico 120 g
Plasmon tomato and basil sauces 120 g
Sale price€1,81 Regular price€1,89
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Plasmon i sughetti ortolano 120 g
Plasmon vegetable sauces 120 g
Sale price€1,81 Regular price€1,89
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Plasmon paff anellini broccoli carota 15 g
Plasmon paff rings broccoli carrot 15 g
Sale price€1,56 Regular price€1,59
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Mellin mini crock tomato 30 g
Sale price€1,88
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Humana milky porridge biscuit 200 g
Sale price€3,83 Regular price€3,90
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Hipp cereal cream corn buckwheat 200 g
Sale price€4,96 Regular price€5,02
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Mio merenda latte fermentato pesca 4x100 g
My snack fermented milk peach 4x100 g
Sale price€4,07
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Mio pouch latte di cocco con mango e mela cotogna 90 g
Humana crema mais riso tapioca bio 200 g
Mio pouch latte di cocco con mango e pesca 90 g
Save 2%
Mellin snack bio triangolini veggie 30 g
Mellin organic snack veggie triangles 30 g
Sale price€1,75 Regular price€1,79
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Plasmon omogeneizzati tacchino patate dolci 2 pezzi da 120 g
Save 4%
Humana pappa lattea banana 200 g
Humana banana milky jelly 200 g
Sale price€3,74 Regular price€3,90
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Humana pappa lattea mela 200 g
Humana milky apple porridge 200 g
Sale price€3,77 Regular price€3,90
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Mellin snack bio gallette riso 30 g
Mellin organic snack rice biscuits 30 g
Sale price€1,75 Regular price€1,79
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Hipp organic puree beef 4 pieces of 80 g
Sale price€11,38 Regular price€11,66
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Crema bio multicereali 200 g
Organic multi-grain cream 200 g
Sale price€3,91
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Save 7%
Nipiol omogeneizzato mela 80 g 2 pezzi
Nipiol apple puree 80 g 2 pieces
Sale price€2,26 Regular price€2,42
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Hipp organic homogenized ham with vegetables 2 pieces of 80 g
Sale price€5,54 Regular price€5,68
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Save 14%
Plasmon omogeneizzato banana mela 2 x 80 g
Plasmon banana apple homogenized 2 x 80 g
Sale price€1,61 Regular price€1,87
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Save 11%
Plasmon omogeneizzato prugna 2 x 80 g
Plasmon homogenized plum 2 x 80 g
Sale price€1,67 Regular price€1,87
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Hipp organic puree chicken and veal 4 pieces of 80 g
Sale price€11,38 Regular price€11,66
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Hipp organic puree chicken 2 pieces of 80 g
Sale price€5,56 Regular price€5,68
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Hipp bio omogeneizzato tacchino 4 pezzi da 80 g
Hipp organic homogenized turkey 4 pieces of 80 g
Sale price€11,38 Regular price€11,66
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Plasmon biscottino granulato 350 g
Plasmon granulated biscuit 350 g
Sale price€5,38 Regular price€6,89
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Plasmon prugna bio pouches 100 g
Plasmon organic plum pouches 100 g
Sale price€1,70 Regular price€1,99
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Plasmon mela fragola lampone bio pouches 100 g
Plasmon apple strawberry raspberry organic pouches 100 g
Sale price€1,70 Regular price€1,99
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