The properties of Compositum Zeolite:
• organic purifier
• antioxidant (counteracts oxidative-degenerative processes, stimulates the body's defenses)
• remineralizing
• alkalizing (prevents acidosis phenomena)
• stimulates diuresis
• anti-aging
100% safe and non-toxic product.
All traces of the mineral are completely eliminated from the body within 6/8 hours.
What is Zeolite?
Zeolite is a mineral of volcanic origin, formed through long phases of transformation of volcanic lava.
The word Zeolite means "boiling stone" due to its characteristic of releasing water vapor from the rock when heated.
This phenomenon is due to the particular presence of water trapped in the crystalline cavities.
The water molecules and ions with extreme mobility give Zeolite a high bioactivity.
How to use and dosage
Take, preferably before main meals, 3 g per day of Compositum Zeolite, corresponding to 1 measuring spoon or 6 capsules.
In case of high oxidative stress, the dose can be doubled.
In the first 2 weeks of taking it is recommended to start with the lowest dosage.
Compositum Zeolite can be taken with still water, but also with milk, yogurt, fruit juices and squeezed fruit.
In compliance with the integrity of the ingredients and the formulation balance, Geomedical has chosen not to add aromas or flavor correctors.
Zeolite essentially has the following chemical-physical properties:
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
It allows the Zeolite to exchange "new" minerals, taking in exchange other "used" ones taken into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract, mainly: Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium.
Highly selective molecular sieving and absorption
When ingested, Zeolite is able to absorb heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic) and other molecules, retaining them within its structure. Zeolite is also called "smart sponge" (molecular sieve) for its high selectivity in the molecules to be absorbed.
Antioxidant Action
The antioxidant activity of Zeolite has been documented both internally and topically. Its ability to control the formation of Oxygen Free Radicals is about 10 times more effective than vitamins A, C and E; it also scores highly when compared to SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) and GR (Reduced Junction), drugs known to be antioxidants.
Alkalizing Action
Thanks to its H+ ion sequestering power, it contains acidosis phenomena, related to the most common inflammatory processes.
Antibacterial Action
Documented inhibitory power on pathogenic agents (bacteria, viruses).
Nature and Research.
Geomedical has been studying Italian zeolites for 25 years and has identified a particular interest in those present in the vicinity of Lake Bolsena (the first volcanic basin in Europe).
The medical device Compositum Zeotite is born from the most bioactive varieties of zeolites: Phillipsite, Cabasite, Analcime.
The zeolites of the " Compositum Zeolite " are directly taken from constantly monitored deposits and "activated" with specific volcanic spring waters, maintaining the total structural and compositional originality unaltered (100% natural minerals). The activation process by hydrocryocrushing preserves the original balance of the minerals, amplifying their activity.
Compositum Zeolite is a class IIa medical device with a physical (non-metabolic) mechanism of action certified by ministerial control bodies.
Medical device for oral use,
intended to remove,
with a physical mechanism,
harmful and toxic substances
in the intestinal tract,
counteracting its absorption
in the body. Also effective in
situations of oxidative stress.
Date of publication and mention of
the grains of the patent:
24. 01. 2007 Bulletin 2007104
Filing date: 15.05.2003
Application number:
CZP Code
The properties of Compositum Zeolite:
• organic purifier
• antioxidant (counteracts oxidative-degenerative processes, stimulates the body's defenses)
• remineralizing
• alkalizing (prevents acidosis phenomena)
• stimulates diuresis
• anti-aging
100% safe and non-toxic product.
All traces of the mineral are completely eliminated from the body within 6/8 hours.
What is Zeolite?
Zeolite is a mineral of volcanic origin, formed through long phases of transformation of volcanic lava.
The word Zeolite means "boiling stone" due to its characteristic of releasing water vapor from the rock when heated.
This phenomenon is due to the particular presence of water trapped in the crystalline cavities.
The water molecules and ions with extreme mobility give Zeolite a high bioactivity.
How to use and dosage
Take, preferably before main meals, 3 g per day of Compositum Zeolite, corresponding to 1 measuring spoon or 6 capsules.
In case of high oxidative stress, the dose can be doubled.
In the first 2 weeks of taking it is recommended to start with the lowest dosage.
Compositum Zeolite can be taken with still water, but also with milk, yogurt, fruit juices and squeezed fruit.
In compliance with the integrity of the ingredients and the formulation balance, Geomedical has chosen not to add aromas or flavor correctors.
Zeolite essentially has the following chemical-physical properties:
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)
It allows the Zeolite to exchange "new" minerals, taking in exchange other "used" ones taken into the bloodstream through the intestinal tract, mainly: Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium.
Highly selective molecular sieving and absorption
When ingested, Zeolite is able to absorb heavy metals (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic) and other molecules, retaining them within its structure. Zeolite is also called "smart sponge" (molecular sieve) for its high selectivity in the molecules to be absorbed.
Antioxidant Action
The antioxidant activity of Zeolite has been documented both internally and topically. Its ability to control the formation of Oxygen Free Radicals is about 10 times more effective than vitamins A, C and E; it also scores highly when compared to SOD (Superoxide Dismutase) and GR (Reduced Junction), drugs known to be antioxidants.
Alkalizing Action
Thanks to its H+ ion sequestering power, it contains acidosis phenomena, related to the most common inflammatory processes.
Antibacterial Action
Documented inhibitory power on pathogenic agents (bacteria, viruses).
Nature and Research.
Geomedical has been studying Italian zeolites for 25 years and has identified a particular interest in those present in the vicinity of Lake Bolsena (the first volcanic basin in Europe).
The medical device Compositum Zeotite is born from the most bioactive varieties of zeolites: Phillipsite, Cabasite, Analcime.
The zeolites of the " Compositum Zeolite " are directly taken from constantly monitored deposits and "activated" with specific volcanic spring waters, maintaining the total structural and compositional originality unaltered (100% natural minerals). The activation process by hydrocryocrushing preserves the original balance of the minerals, amplifying their activity.
Compositum Zeolite is a class IIa medical device with a physical (non-metabolic) mechanism of action certified by ministerial control bodies.
Medical device for oral use,
intended to remove,
with a physical mechanism,
harmful and toxic substances
in the intestinal tract,
counteracting its absorption
in the body. Also effective in
situations of oxidative stress.
Date of publication and mention of
the grains of the patent:
24. 01. 2007 Bulletin 2007104
Filing date: 15.05.2003
Application number:
CZP Code