Hydroalcoholic macerations
Characteristics:hydroalcoholic macerations and herbal compounds:
A1 lavender, yarrow, acidulated 7 herbs,
angel water, garlic, artis ginko,
B1 walnut, birch, hawthorn, shepherd's purse,
C1, marigold, artichoke, centrantus ruber,
CMF, CP1 cypress, turmeric, helichrysum,
D1 devil's claw, D3 solidarity,
DAR petasites, DIG1 aromatic calamus,
DPR1 Viola tricolor, ER1 Geranium Robertianus,
fucus, juniper, couch grass, heliantus tuberosus,
iprival broom, hops, M1 melilot,
MA/1 mint, marovin, lemon balm, myrtle,
N1 oats, nasturtium, 0/1 marigold and yarrow,
oliflor F, nettle, P1 willowherb, periwinkle,
plantain, hawkweed, propolis, dog rose,
rosemary, S1, sage, meadowsweet,
T1 castanea, dandelion, TM1 thyme,
TO1 linden, veronica.