happy form
Food supplement based on plant extracts associated and combined in the right proportion for a tonic and energizing action.Ingredients
Rhodiola (rhodiola rosea L.) rhizomes; guarana (paullinia cupana hbk var.) sorbilis fruits; Caucasian rhododendron (rhododendron caucasicum) spring extract; oats (avena sativa L.) fruits; eleutherococcus (eleutherococcus senticosus maxim.) roots; withania (withania somnifera dunal) roots; muira puama (ptycopetalum olacoides benth.) roots; rock water; (rock water) Bach flower; milkweed (asclepias cordifolia) Californian flower; blue china orchid (caladenia gemmata) Australian flower; mariposa lily (calochortus leichtlinii) Californian flower; hound's tongue (cynoglossum grande) Californian flower; cherry plum (prunus cerasifera) Bach flower.
How to use
20 drops three times a day on an empty stomach.
Keep out of reach of children under three years. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product should be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
50 ml bottle.