CE medical device, class III. Treatment for the removal of calluses and protection of the surrounding healthy skin. Ideal for calluses on the toes and soles of the feet. The soft cushion provides relief from pain and pressure from shoes. With salicylic acid. Dermatologically tested adhesive.How to use
Make sure your foot is clean and dry. Remove the corn plaster from the wrapper. Apply the pad to the center of the corn, with the adhesive facing toward the skin. Cover with the water-repellent plaster, then secure the sides. Repeat daily until the corn is completely removed.
Do not use if you have diabetes or severe circulatory problems or nerve damage; if you are sensitive to aspirin or any of the ingredients; if the area around the corn is inflamed, injured or irritated. Avoid using the product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, unless prescribed by your doctor. If the patch is applied to healthy skin, irritation and rashes may occur: in this case, remove the patch and temporarily stop using it. When the irritation has subsided, carefully reapply the patch to the corn. Contact your doctor if you experience any other problems or side effects.
4 water-repellent plasters + 4 callus-removing discs.
Code 8105230