My Test
Pregnancy test
Rapid urine pregnancy test, easy to use and reliable, to be done at home. Detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The pregnancy test MY TEST is able to detect a pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation.
Self-test device, do not ingest.
How to use
The test can be done at any time of the day. However, it is recommended to do the test in the morning because it is when you wake up that the urine has a higher level of hCG.
What you need:
1. clean, dry glass or plastic container to collect urine (if you do not want to place the absorbent pad under the urine stream);
2. a clock (to check that the time limit for checking the result has not passed).
How to take the test:
1. open the package along the designated line and remove the pregnancy test from the bag;
2. Hold the white end of the test firmly with one hand and remove the cap with the other hand to expose the absorbent pad;
3. Hold the test face down and place the absorbent pad under the urine stream for at least 10 seconds until it is completely wet. Do not urinate above the arrow. You can also wet the tip of the absorbent pad for at least 3 seconds in urine collected in a clean, dry glass or plastic container;
4. Replace the cap and wait for the colored lines to appear, holding the test horizontally. A positive result may appear within one minute, but 3 minutes are required to confirm a negative result. Do not attempt to interpret the result after more than 5 minutes.
The urine sample placed on the reagent migrates by capillary action along the membrane.
A light colored line appears when the hCG hormone in the urine sample reaches the test window (T). The test can be considered negative when the line does not appear.
A colored line appears in the control window (C) when the test has been performed correctly.
Negative (not pregnant): Only one colored line appears in the control window (C); no line appears in the test window (T).
Positive (pregnant): A light colored line appears in the control window (C) and the test window (T) simultaneously.
hCG levels vary during different stages of pregnancy, the intensity of the color of the lines can vary from one test to another.
1. Test intended for external use only. Do not ingest.
2. Use only once. Discard test after use.
3. Do not use after expiration date.
4. Do not use the test if the package is damaged or not closed properly.
5. Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Store in sealed container, avoid direct exposure to sunlight, moisture and heat. Protect from frost.
Pregnancy test, sachet with desiccant, leaflet.
Cod. MYIT012010-C
Rapid urine pregnancy test, easy to use and reliable, to be done at home. Detects the presence of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The pregnancy test MY TEST is able to detect a pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation.
Self-test device, do not ingest.
How to use
The test can be done at any time of the day. However, it is recommended to do the test in the morning because it is when you wake up that the urine has a higher level of hCG.
What you need:
1. clean, dry glass or plastic container to collect urine (if you do not want to place the absorbent pad under the urine stream);
2. a clock (to check that the time limit for checking the result has not passed).
How to take the test:
1. open the package along the designated line and remove the pregnancy test from the bag;
2. Hold the white end of the test firmly with one hand and remove the cap with the other hand to expose the absorbent pad;
3. Hold the test face down and place the absorbent pad under the urine stream for at least 10 seconds until it is completely wet. Do not urinate above the arrow. You can also wet the tip of the absorbent pad for at least 3 seconds in urine collected in a clean, dry glass or plastic container;
4. Replace the cap and wait for the colored lines to appear, holding the test horizontally. A positive result may appear within one minute, but 3 minutes are required to confirm a negative result. Do not attempt to interpret the result after more than 5 minutes.
The urine sample placed on the reagent migrates by capillary action along the membrane.
A light colored line appears when the hCG hormone in the urine sample reaches the test window (T). The test can be considered negative when the line does not appear.
A colored line appears in the control window (C) when the test has been performed correctly.
Negative (not pregnant): Only one colored line appears in the control window (C); no line appears in the test window (T).
Positive (pregnant): A light colored line appears in the control window (C) and the test window (T) simultaneously.
hCG levels vary during different stages of pregnancy, the intensity of the color of the lines can vary from one test to another.
1. Test intended for external use only. Do not ingest.
2. Use only once. Discard test after use.
3. Do not use after expiration date.
4. Do not use the test if the package is damaged or not closed properly.
5. Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Store in sealed container, avoid direct exposure to sunlight, moisture and heat. Protect from frost.
Pregnancy test, sachet with desiccant, leaflet.
Cod. MYIT012010-C