Rigenoma Gauze protects damaged skin while stimulating regeneration.
Ozoile in association with hyaluronic acid, Aloe vera, Borracina della Madonna to optimize hydration and integrate the tissue regeneration capacity. Blackcurrant with cortisone-like action, glycyrrhetic acid, Rusco, Calendula, to enhance the anti-inflammatory action, alpha-lipoic acid with action of prevention and repair of oxidative damage.
Free O 2 immediately available that activates the slowed mitochondrial metabolism providing immediate energy to the cells. Reduces oxygen consumption related to inflammation, infection, degenerative processes. Reactivates the microcirculation by stimulating the transcription of VEGF, growth factor for angiogenesis.
It inactivates cyclo-lipo-oxygenase (COX 2 ) reducing the prostaglandins responsible for pain and edema and activates aminoxidases (MAO and DAO) which degrade histamine and serotonin which cause redness and itching.
It has bactericidal-fungicidal-virustatic action: oxidation of the bacterial and fungal capsule-wall; inhibition of the receptors present on the viral surface; lengthening of the relapse times by stimulating the immune defenses.
It stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts, collagen, new vessels by acting on the growth factors FGF, PDGF, EGF, VEGF, HIF-1-alpha. It promotes cell adhesion in the formation of new tissue because it stimulates the transcription of e-cadherins.
How to use
Apply one or more gauzes depending on the size of the area to be treated, cover everything with sterile gauze or an appropriate bandage. Repeat the dressing twice a day or as directed by the doctor. The product can also be used in case of occlusive dressing.
If you are being treated with hypoglycemic drugs, consult your doctor before using the product.
Validity with intact packaging: 48 months.
Pack of 10 sachets.
Gauze size: 10x10 cm.
Code 0613
I. Zanardi, S. Burgassi, E. Paccagnini, M. Gentile, V. Bocci, and V. Travagli. What Is the Best Strategy for Enhancing the Effects of Topically Applied Ozonated Oils in Cutaneous Infections? Biomed Res Int. 2013 Oct 27.
Nathália R. de Almeida, Adilson Beatriz, Ana Camila Micheletti and Eduardo J. De Arruda, Ozonized vegetable oils and therapeutic properties: A review. Orbital, The Electronic Journal Of Chemistry, Volume 4, Number 4, October-December 2012.
Kim HS, Noh SU, Han YW, Kim KM, Kang H, Kim HO, Park YM, Therapeutic effects of topical application of ozone on acute cutaneous wound healing. J Korean Med Sci, 12 June 2009.
N. Geweely. Antifungal Activity of ozonized olive oil. Int. J. Agri. Boil., Vol.8, No. 5, 2006 Koichi Tamoto, Akironi Yamazaki, Hiromi Nochi, Toshiaki Miura. Ozonides of olive oil methyl oleate inhibited the expression of cyclooxygenase -2 through the suppression of IkB/NFkB-dependent pathway in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage-like THP-1 cells. IOA17th World Ozone Congress- Strasbourg 2005.
LA Sechi, I. Lezcano, N. Nunez, M. Espim, I. Duprè, A. Pinna, P. Molicotti, G. Fadda and S. Zanetti. Antibacterial activity of ozonized sun ower oil. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2001, 90, 279±284.
Matsumoto, Akiyo; Shotaro Sakurai; Nariko Shinriki; Shigeru Suzuki & Toshiaki Miura, Therapeutic Effects of Ozonized Olive Oil in the Treatment of Intractable Fistula and Wound after Surgical Operation. Japan, J. Clin. Surg., 61(6) 7-13 (2000).
Rigenoma Gauze protects damaged skin while stimulating regeneration.
Ozoile in association with hyaluronic acid, Aloe vera, Borracina della Madonna to optimize hydration and integrate the tissue regeneration capacity. Blackcurrant with cortisone-like action, glycyrrhetic acid, Rusco, Calendula, to enhance the anti-inflammatory action, alpha-lipoic acid with action of prevention and repair of oxidative damage.
Free O 2 immediately available that activates the slowed mitochondrial metabolism providing immediate energy to the cells. Reduces oxygen consumption related to inflammation, infection, degenerative processes. Reactivates the microcirculation by stimulating the transcription of VEGF, growth factor for angiogenesis.
It inactivates cyclo-lipo-oxygenase (COX 2 ) reducing the prostaglandins responsible for pain and edema and activates aminoxidases (MAO and DAO) which degrade histamine and serotonin which cause redness and itching.
It has bactericidal-fungicidal-virustatic action: oxidation of the bacterial and fungal capsule-wall; inhibition of the receptors present on the viral surface; lengthening of the relapse times by stimulating the immune defenses.
It stimulates the synthesis of fibroblasts, collagen, new vessels by acting on the growth factors FGF, PDGF, EGF, VEGF, HIF-1-alpha. It promotes cell adhesion in the formation of new tissue because it stimulates the transcription of e-cadherins.
How to use
Apply one or more gauzes depending on the size of the area to be treated, cover everything with sterile gauze or an appropriate bandage. Repeat the dressing twice a day or as directed by the doctor. The product can also be used in case of occlusive dressing.
If you are being treated with hypoglycemic drugs, consult your doctor before using the product.
Validity with intact packaging: 48 months.
Pack of 10 sachets.
Gauze size: 10x10 cm.
Code 0613
I. Zanardi, S. Burgassi, E. Paccagnini, M. Gentile, V. Bocci, and V. Travagli. What Is the Best Strategy for Enhancing the Effects of Topically Applied Ozonated Oils in Cutaneous Infections? Biomed Res Int. 2013 Oct 27.
Nathália R. de Almeida, Adilson Beatriz, Ana Camila Micheletti and Eduardo J. De Arruda, Ozonized vegetable oils and therapeutic properties: A review. Orbital, The Electronic Journal Of Chemistry, Volume 4, Number 4, October-December 2012.
Kim HS, Noh SU, Han YW, Kim KM, Kang H, Kim HO, Park YM, Therapeutic effects of topical application of ozone on acute cutaneous wound healing. J Korean Med Sci, 12 June 2009.
N. Geweely. Antifungal Activity of ozonized olive oil. Int. J. Agri. Boil., Vol.8, No. 5, 2006 Koichi Tamoto, Akironi Yamazaki, Hiromi Nochi, Toshiaki Miura. Ozonides of olive oil methyl oleate inhibited the expression of cyclooxygenase -2 through the suppression of IkB/NFkB-dependent pathway in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophage-like THP-1 cells. IOA17th World Ozone Congress- Strasbourg 2005.
LA Sechi, I. Lezcano, N. Nunez, M. Espim, I. Duprè, A. Pinna, P. Molicotti, G. Fadda and S. Zanetti. Antibacterial activity of ozonized sun ower oil. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2001, 90, 279±284.
Matsumoto, Akiyo; Shotaro Sakurai; Nariko Shinriki; Shigeru Suzuki & Toshiaki Miura, Therapeutic Effects of Ozonized Olive Oil in the Treatment of Intractable Fistula and Wound after Surgical Operation. Japan, J. Clin. Surg., 61(6) 7-13 (2000).