The toenails and the skin tissue surrounding them are frequently affected by alterations of various kinds which, from simple discomforts, can transform into real obstacles to walking.
These include, for example, periungual calluses or calluses, thickenings of the skin surrounding the nails, caused by friction or pressure phenomena resulting from the use of inappropriate footwear.
These same habits can also favor strictly nail pathologies, such as onychocryptosis or ingrown toenail, a disorder also supported by constitutional factors (deformity of the foot, excessive curvature, thickening or fragility of the nail), or induced (improper cutting of the free nail margin).
Finally, there are some pathological conditions (e.g. diabetes) or para-physiological conditions (e.g. avitaminosis, aging, pregnancy) that can have repercussions on the trophism of the nail, and alter its shape, color, structure (onychodystrophy).
Most of these disorders constitute a predisposing terrain for the establishment of bacterial and/or fungal superinfections.
The products of the Onicopod line are developed and formulated with innovative functional substances capable of responding in a targeted and effective manner to these podiatric problems.
How to use
Shake the dropper bottle before use.
Distribute a few drops of product evenly on the lateral nail wall.
Particularly indicated in situations of onychodystrophy (alteration of shape, color, structure of the nail) and to strengthen the periungual bed after podiatric surgery for onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail).
Repeat the treatment 2 times a day for at least a month.
For external use only.
Store the product in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes; rinse thoroughly in case of accidental eye contact.
Do not ingest.
Keep out of reach of children.
The product is not indicated for subjects already sensitized to the components present in the formulation.
Preferably use by the date indicated on the package.
Validity with intact packaging : 30 months.
15ml dropper bottle.
These include, for example, periungual calluses or calluses, thickenings of the skin surrounding the nails, caused by friction or pressure phenomena resulting from the use of inappropriate footwear.
These same habits can also favor strictly nail pathologies, such as onychocryptosis or ingrown toenail, a disorder also supported by constitutional factors (deformity of the foot, excessive curvature, thickening or fragility of the nail), or induced (improper cutting of the free nail margin).
Finally, there are some pathological conditions (e.g. diabetes) or para-physiological conditions (e.g. avitaminosis, aging, pregnancy) that can have repercussions on the trophism of the nail, and alter its shape, color, structure (onychodystrophy).
Most of these disorders constitute a predisposing terrain for the establishment of bacterial and/or fungal superinfections.
The products of the Onicopod line are developed and formulated with innovative functional substances capable of responding in a targeted and effective manner to these podiatric problems.
How to use
Shake the dropper bottle before use.
Distribute a few drops of product evenly on the lateral nail wall.
Particularly indicated in situations of onychodystrophy (alteration of shape, color, structure of the nail) and to strengthen the periungual bed after podiatric surgery for onychocryptosis (ingrown toenail).
Repeat the treatment 2 times a day for at least a month.
For external use only.
Store the product in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes; rinse thoroughly in case of accidental eye contact.
Do not ingest.
Keep out of reach of children.
The product is not indicated for subjects already sensitized to the components present in the formulation.
Preferably use by the date indicated on the package.
Validity with intact packaging : 30 months.
15ml dropper bottle.