Characteristics:transparent nipple-shaped device hermetically connected to a small tube containing a valve and a syringe attachment. Once positioned on the nipple, the air is extracted with the syringe and the nipple is "recalled" out by the vacuum created. The suction intensity is controlled by the woman who adjusts it according to her sensitivity. The effect of Niplette is due to the lengthening of the milk ducts that hold the inverted nipple. Since the ducts are not interrupted, the function of the breast is not altered and breastfeeding becomes possible. Niplette can be used during the first six months of pregnancy by women who wish to correct the inversion in order to be able to breastfeed. If the nipples are too sensitive, Niplette can be used after giving birth for a few minutes before each feeding in order to help the baby latch on to the breast. Once breastfeeding has stopped, the application of Niplette can be continued with the aim of definitively correcting this defect.
Code 5272