DirectionsPrebiotic effect for the growth and activity of the intestinal bacterial flora.
Food supplement rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 100% natural micronized fruit pulp obtained from the baobab plant. The fruit pulp provides a quantity of soluble fiber (22.54%) and insoluble fiber (22.04%). The soluble fibers of the baobab, present in the fruit pulp, have a prebiotic use and that is, they selectively stimulate, at the level of the large intestine, the growth and metabolic activity of microbial groups such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, improving the balance of the intestinal microflora. These probiotic bacteria improve the digestion of lactose, the prevention of diarrhea and the stimulation of the immune defenses. The insoluble fibers are not assimilated by the intestine but increase intestinal transit, fight constipation and induce a sense of satiety that can be exploited in a low-calorie diet. Baobab pulp provides iron and about 300 mg of vitamin C and calcium per 100 grams of product. Useful for athletes with carbohydrates and essential amino acids in perfect sequence. The pulp has an important purifying action on the liver.
150 and 250 gram jar.
Cod. MEG150BPB / MEG250PFB