Food supplement based on plant extracts associated and combined in the right proportion to help the body maintain a physiological psycho-physical balance.Ingredients
Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca urban) leaves; Epimedium brevicornum leaves; Muira puama (Ptycopetalum olacoides benth.) bark and roots; Tribulus terrestris fruits; Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) roots; Manzanita (Arctostaphylos viscida) Californian flower; Lady's slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum) Californian flower; Larch (Larix decidua) Bach flower; Easter lily (Lilium longiflorum) Californian flower; Sticky monkeyflower (Mimulus aurianticus) Californian flower.
How to use
20 drops three times a day, on an empty stomach.
Keep out of reach of children under three years. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. The product should be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Nutritional characteristics
per 100 ml for 3 ml |
Damiana hydroalc.extract | 30 ml 0.9 ml |
Epimedium hydroalc.extract | 20 ml 0.6 ml |
Muira Puama hydroalc.extract | 20 ml 0.6 ml |
Tribulus hydroalc.ext. | 15 ml 0.45 ml |
Suma hydroalc.ext. | 10 ml 0.3 ml |
Manzanita Californian flower hydroalc.extract | 1 ml 0.03 ml |
Lady's Slipper Californian flower hydroalc. extract | 1 ml 0.03 ml |
Larch Bach flower hydroalc.extract | 1 ml 0.03 ml |
Easter Lily Californian flower hydroalc.extract | 1 ml 0.03 ml |
Sticky Monkeyflower Californian flower hydroalc.extract | 1 ml 0.03 ml |
50 ml bottle of drops.