INSTANT ICECE medical device.
Practical adjuvant in first aid thermal therapy for bruises, sprains, hematomas, muscle tears, headaches, toothaches, feverish states, traumas and blows in general.
It is also indicated in case of contact with jellyfish and stinging plants, insect bites, sunburn. The rapid cooling of the tissues causes transient local ischemia by desensitizing the nerve endings.
It consists of a recoupled sealed bag: internal layer in polypropylene, external layer in polyester and a PVC film is inserted between the two layers.
The contents, once activated, provide a rapid source of cold at 0°C (-9°C maximum) for approximately 30/40 minutes.
How to use
It is activated by a firm blow of the hand on the sealed bag, so as to cause the internal bubble containing the reagent liquid to break. An intense cold is rapidly released from the bag.
Mixture of nitrogenous salts; water.
Pack of 2 single-use sachets.
Cod. GA1162600
CE mark registration number 0546